"The greatest charity one can do to another is to lead him to the truth." -St. Thomas Aquinas

EAU Staff

EAU Staff

Our members come from all walks of life.  We are students, scientists, taxi drivers, business owners and housewives.  We are a lot like you!  The thing that sets us apart is our dedication to our code of ethics, and our explicit goal in advancing the well-being of our people.

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Economic Nationalism

We advocate economic nationalism, which places the economy at the service of the nation. We believe that the welfare of our people should supercede all other things.

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We call for efforts to balance man's relationship with the natural world; therefore, we work to eliminate pollution and the careless destruction of our natural environment.

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All across the Western world we see threats to our traditional, hard-won freedoms. We value the original Bill of Rights, including the rights to free speech, to keep and bear arms and to be secure in our homes and possessions.

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About EAU

European Americans United is an ethics-based ethnic advocacy organization for European-Americans and a stateless Nation.  Encompassing appreciation for the wisdom of our founding fathers along with European New Right philosophy and third-position economics, we believe ideas and economics should serve our people, rather than our people being servants to ideological and economic forces.

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